


My name is He Fengyu.

I am an iOS developer, currently working for Baidu based in Beijing, China, where I focus on the research and development of the Baidu Netdisk client.

I will document my learning and living on my blog, showcasing my passion for photography by uploading my works to 小红书. In addition, as a Bilibili Content Creator, I will share the videos I produce on Bilibili.

Currently, I am working hard to adapt to the transition from a student to a programmer. In my spare time, I write my own personal projects, aiming to become an individual developer.

Outside of programming, I also make a point to have a meal with my parents once a week, and strive to grow and progress together with my girlfriend.

My Works & Blog

Below are the links to my photography gallery and my blog.

Photography Gallery My Blog

漫漫 To be continue...